Hot & cold

unforgettable experience

Benefits of Cé Sauna

At Cé Sauna we love community and the power of heat to bring people together in a relaxed, safe environment and create a fun experience. Introduce a dose of wellness into your life. Sweat and forget; de-stress and wash some of the worries away with a cold plunge into the beauty of Lough Key.

Sauna bathing is a form of thermo therapy. It is used for health, hygiene, social and spiritual purposes. Finnish style saunas such as ours generally involves short exposures of 5 to 20 minutes to 80 to 100° temperatures with relative humidity of 10 to 20%. The Wellness benefits of Finnish style wood fired dry saunas are

  • Detoxification

  • Increased metabolism

  • Weight loss

  • Improved sleep

  • Improved immune function

  • Increased blood circulation

  • Relaxation

  • Improved cardiovascular function

  • Skin rejuvenation

  • Anti-ageing

  • Stress management

  • Physical therapy

  • Pain reduction

Intense short term heat exposure elevates skin and core body temperature thus leading to well documented cardiovascular effects such as increased heart rate, skin blood flow, sweating and cardiac output. The sweat evaporates from the skin surface producing cooling that facilitates body temperature regulation. The heat relaxes muscles and gives a feeling of joy and relaxation.